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Another of those great military ideas that looked good on paper but failed miserably in combat, the Kzinti Fi-Con system (modified Needles towing fighters) enjoyed a limited amount of success until its last front line mission in Y181, when the fighters returning from a strike were interecepted by Kollos Kumerian's 701st Gunboat Flotilla (Bounty Hunters).


This was only one of several major victories by the 701st. The Kzinti fighters were slaughtered when the Fi-Cons broke contact (and not all of the the PFs actually escaped). Many songs were written of Kollos and his unit, the most famous of which (Wolf Among The Lions by Kina Kurner) described this battle.

While the Kzinti 23rd Fi-Con Flotilla was badly beaten and thereafter relagated to internal anti-piracy patrols, its losses were always and the unit maintained up to strength. Eventually another flotilla of standard needle PFs, the 24th, was assigned to serve with the unit creating the 23rd Fi-Con Division. This supports the theory that a senior Kzinti admiral believed strongly in the F-Con concept and was still trying to make it work. If true, his support was justified by the final battle of the the 23rd Division in Y185.


  1. Various (2000). Star Fleet Battles Module K – Fast Patrol Shps. (Amarillo Design Bureau), p. 48.