Greetings fom the German Memory Beta[]
Hello and greetings from the German Memory Beta. Nice someone finally makes a Wiki for the SFU.
I have two Issues to talk with you guys.
1) Would you guys consider some Language-Links between our WIkis ? Sadly we cant go the "official" way over Fandom/Wikia because we are already bonded to the English MB. So it would be a "External Link" in the Bottom of Articles.
2)Unlike the English MB, we consider SFU to be "real" Star Trek and allow it in our wiki. But we have basicly no one with any Material from Amarillo exept what they offer on their Site.
Would yo have a Problem when we "borrow" some Material from your Wiki ?
We would not rip the Sites 1:1 and Google translate them. But much of the Information still would come from your WIki, until we find a Source of our own.
Sorry for the Bad English. Versusdelyxe (talk) 02:09, 2 July 2023 (UTC)
I dont want to annoy you Guys but i want to ask again what you think about my Proposal ?
Versusdelyxe (talk) 14:36, 6 October 2023 (UTC)
I'm fine with this. If you contact ADB I'm pretty sure they have a European source where you can buy/order stuff. Also a lot of the Rulebooks, all of the Prime Directive material, and all but the last couple of Captain's Logs and availale in PDF on a couple Warehouse23 or DrivethruRPG . Ryanopel (talk) 20:08, 8 October 2023 (UTC)
Thank you guys.
It will help alot.
And we already startet buying on our own (currently holding CL#21 in my Hands), but nobody wants to tell his Wive that he just spend 120 Bucks for 5 PDF´s ;) soooo it will take some Time....
greetingsVersusdelyxe (talk) 16:54, 10 October 2023 (UTC)